Alberto Dalla Libera

Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor


Area Societaria Finanza d'Impresa Area Aziendale M&A Internazionale

After graduating from the Liceo Tito Livio in Padua, he obtained a degree in Economics and Commerce from Ca’ Foscari University in Venice, where he subsequently qualified for the profession of Doctor of Accountancy.

He is a founding member and still an active professional of the network Geneva Group International (, currently the world’s leading network of independent lawyers and accountants, present in over 120 countries worldwide with over 500 offices.

He has been and still is a member of the corporate bodies, mainly as mayor, of major Italian companies also listed among which Banca Antonveneta, Interbanca, Abn Amro Asset Management, Ge Capital, Veneto Development, Gazzettino, Antonveneta Foundation, Unindustria Padova, Assindustria Venetocentro.

He specializes in consulting on M&A operations, in corporate and financial reorganization in the context of business development and restructuring processes, with particular regard to industrial enterprises in a state of pre-crisis.

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